
As Research Office, we offer scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology a comprehensive service covering all aspects of Thirt-party funding and Research Strategy. When it comes to third-party funding, our experts advise and support ranges from application to approval. Our goals and tasks can be divided into four core tasks, which are reflected in the navigation. Our service is available to KIT employees. Some information is therefore only available on the intranet.

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Research Office (FOR)

Fritz-Erler-Str. 1-3
76131 Karlsruhe
▶ Building 01.85


▶ assistenz∂for.kit.edu
Phone: +49 (0)721 608-42258
Service-Hotline of the Research Funding Service: +49 (0)721 608-29341

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A in-depth service for application and project management in addition to the Research Funding Service.

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Research at KIT

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The KIT Research Office comprises four core tasks, which we would like to explain to you in more detail

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ERC Advanced Grant for Steffen Grohmann from KIT

The European Research Council (ERC) funds Grohmann’s project GRAVITHELIUM on the development of a key technology for the Einstein Telescope (ET) with almost 3.4 million euros – the proposed next-generation European gravitational-wave detector. GRAVITHELIUM aims to push the sensitivity of cryogenic laser interferometers to fundamental limits using superfluid helium. This technology is expected to solve a central challenge in observing gravitational waves of the entire universe with ET.  

Press release KIT
DFG funds top-level research at KIT with around 11 million euros

New production cycles that can turn used products into new ones are needed for a resource-conserving, low-emission and at the same time competitive and strong economy. The Collaborative Research Center "Circular Factory for the Everlasting Product" deals with the question of how the maximum value retention of products can be achieved with the help of innovative production systems. Researchers from the fields of production engineering, product development and materials technology, ergonomics, robotics, computer science and knowledge modeling are cooperating in the network to investigate this question. (KIT Karlsruhe, Spokesperson: Professor Dr.-Ing. Gisela Lanza)

Press release KIT (in German)
Nadja Alina Henke, Gözde Kabay, and Jingyuan Xu from KIT receive Funding from the Nexus Program of the Carl Zeiss Foundation

Three young scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) were successful with their projects at the Carl Zeiss Foundation. Within the CZS Nexus funding program, they will now each receive around 1.5 million euros for a period of up to five years. Dr. Nadja Alina Henke is researching how bioprocesses can be precisely scaled from laboratory scale to industrial scale, Dr. Gözde Kabay is developing biosensors for rapid diagnosis of kidney damage, and Dr. Jingyuan Xu is investigating the development of CO₂-neutral and electricity-free refrigeration.

Press release KIT (in German)