FOR - We promote Research


We support the scientific community and the management of KIT in the successful implementation and further development of the research strategy. To this end, we provide information, advice and support in a proactive, cooperative and solution-oriented manner in the acquisition of research funding.


With our expertise in science management, we coordinate and support many strategic and operational projects and processes. In doing so, we interact with science, management and administration.

With an annual budget volume of around 1.1 billion euros, of which over 40% is acquired as third-party funding, KIT significantly shape the research landscape.

KIT Research Office plays a central role in this.


KIT Research Office (FOR)


 Your contact persons


Research Office has the following four core tasks:
Research Funding Service

First point of contact for all questions regarding applications for international funding, strategic alliances, other national funding and for the Helmholtz Initiative and Networking Fund (IVF). Advice for young scientists from two years after completing their doctorate with regard to further career planning and the specific framework conditions at KIT.

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FORscience's application and project management is a complementary, in-depth service to The Research Funding Service. This service can be financed via start-up funding, billing in the project or own funds.

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Research Information & Controlling

Provision of information and key figures relating to research conducted at KIT. Their preparation for reporting as well as the application and development of metrics contributes to the development and implementation of the research strategy and enables the Executive Board to effectively and comprehensively manage research at KIT.

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Research Strategy

If you would like to nominate a colleague for a scientific award, we will advise you on the preparation of the documents and coordinate with the Executive Board.

We advise and support the Executive Board of the KIT in matters of research strategy, the Excellence Strategy and the program-oriented funding of the Helmholtz Association.